Thank you for taking the time to fill our quiz. Here are the answers:

I need an expensive camera to take better photos:
Absolutely FALSE. You can take great photos with any camera. Better cameras only deliver better results at certain light situations or for special effects.

When do I use Aperture priority?
When I want to control the depth of field

At Aperture Priority, a photo shot at f/2.8 will be brighter than the same photo shot at f/8.0:
FALSE : it will be the same brightness, as the camera will adjust the shutter speed accordingly

For a blurry background photo I can make the following adjustments:
Open the aperture, , increase the zoom and get closer to the subject

Which one is the slower shutter speed?
2 is slower than 8, as these numbers are fractions, unless followed by “. So 1/2 seconds is slower than 1/8 seconds.

Which photo is shot at 1/30 sec?
The Car

The sun is a small / hard light source?
Small, as it creates harsh shadows.

What is a prime lens?
A lens without zoom, fixed to a certain focal length, usually with a wider aperture than zooms.

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Phone: 0800 800 472