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  • Date & Time
    10:00 - 17:30

For questions · Numero d'appel: 0800 800 472

Course: Intensive Beginners

Language: English

Location: Swiss Photo Club Geneva, Rue Henri-Christiné 5, 1205 Genève

Your Instructor: Osan Altun

Osan Altun SPC

Osan is a professional photographer based in Geneva, who started photography while trying to take photos of the afterwork events he organized. His hobby quickly turned into a passion, and then an obsession – this is why he left his well paid corporate job and started Swiss Photo Club.

He specializes in events, travel, landscape and lately lots of portraits & studio.

He has a sincere passion for all things photographic, beautiful light, interesting people and sweeping landscapes. Another of his passion is to teach – see the improvements in his students’ work and show them different ways. He’s never satisfied with what I know and always strive to improve and learn.

His latest work is available on his website, his Instagram @altuno (for portraits) and @altun_travel (for landscapes).